SHE (a poem for her)


She. . .


A mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife
a means to create or change a Life

Grandmother, an Aunt, granddaughter, a niece
Women who turn war into peace

A relative, a neighbour, a stranger, a friend
The kindness has no bound nor an end

An artist, a nurturer, a student, a teacher
Four in one, plus a preacher

Child, teenager, adult or Old
Don’t need Midas touch, she is born gold

Black, brown, pale or white
Keeping the colours in your life bright

Widowed, divorced, married or single
Her various abilities, this status won’t hinder

Disable, deaf, dumb or blind
Her disabilities won’t let her lag behind

Rich, poor, queen or maid
She will be there to give you the shade

Famous, unknown, weak or strong
In her own way, mending the wrong

Tall, short, fat or thin
The size is not a scale to win

African, European, Asian or Arab
All stand equal in front of Rabb

Half of the world’s population is her
And the other half is raised by her

A responsibility of the hardest job she takes
And does it with full dedication for Allah’s sake

So don’t try to convert her into a male
She’s strong in her own gender as a female

As the generation she would raise
Could make the nation worth the praise

And Allah won’t judge on the basis of gender.

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